Letters to Fiona

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New contact lens prescription

Hi Bunny,

Remember when I was fucked, swapping contact lenses and not knowing which pair were new or old. Being fairly sure that I was wearing the newer pair, I've made it this far, but a few more weeks and I should have my custom made lenses delivered. They cost $200, but that's pretty normal for made-to-order lenses. Apparently, I'm blinder than a bat and need "special" lenses. Or was it that my astigmatism is so severe, my eyes are like footballs, rather than baseballs?

Another day without calling or texting you. It's only been two days and it's been hard, but I can see that it'll get easier with time. Adjustment periods and change always takes a bit of time and chaos to go over smoothly. I still haven't heard from Brent yet - and if I don't, I may just go off to SD on my own and meet up with Pascal, or better yet, just hang at the beach by myself. I've always wanted to read all these books and this seems to be perfect opportunity to catch up.

How's your dead man, Herbert was my choice to name him. Can't believe you have a Walter, Fred, and Frank!!



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