Letters to Fiona

Friday, September 22, 2006



I just picked up my sister and Pascal from the Oakland airport. Everytime I go there, it's a weird feeling, especially waiting for the baggage. I keep thinking how it would be if I were going to Nashville every few weeks. I try not to think of it, but you know me, can't control what I'm thinking - it just happens.

It's nice to be home and chill out and read so often.

Good night,

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I feel old


After sleeping for only 4 hours and having a full day of work, I'm drained. I tried to go workout, but could only manage a mile run. I had two Americano's today, which made me all jittery, but did I ever need them. I was falling asleep at my desk.

On the fund part, I got the package to start our company and it's getting closer to coming together. I'm excited about it and wish I could talk to you about it. I don't feel I can share it with too many people, they just wouldn't understand.

Hope you're doing well.

Good night,

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

That kid from the pag, James


It's 5 minutes till midnight and I can't believe I just got back from drinking and hanging out with James. We hadn't seen each other in 6 months and it was an awesome time catching up. Obviously, I told him about you staying with me, but we didn't go into too much detail. He's busy doing stories all over the place. I think he will be my new hangout buddy. We have lots in common and think similarly about our outlook on life.

Good night,

Tuesday, September 19, 2006



How are you doing? I am so tired, with a really rough day of work. These last two weeks have been so tough. I've haven't been able to guage the markets correctly.

I just got back from a Korean class, with intent of learning enough to go back and, perhaps, living in Korea. I was going to workout today, but I was so lazy and sleepy. Maybe it's the lack of caffeine. How can I be addicted to that? Sometimes, not having any self-control can be so liberating, if you know what I mean. ;)

Good night,

Monday, September 18, 2006

The start of another week


Today was a good day. Gekko and I are getting better and better as we are setting up for our little fund. We have big dreams and ambitions. I'll tell you more about it as it progresses.

Border's was another destination with my motorcycle, which I haven't ridden in a week. I only stayed for 45 minutes today, but read a few chapters of this hedge fund book I've been reading, which, not sure if I told you already, is $100. Ridiculous!

Good night,

Sunday, September 17, 2006

HQ: Border's


Another weekend gone, albeit lots was accomplished on my part. I read through a third of a hedge fund book, which talked about creating and managing one. I also read through a quarter of another trading book. I have so much more to learn about in regards to my craft.

Border's is my new hangout place. I don't have much of any excitement to report, which is a big difference than this past summer, as you know very well. Life isn't about those times though. It's about the day in and day out grind of work, mixed in with a balance of play.

You may think that the way I live my life was depicted when you were living with me in SF and all the trips we took this summer. Quite the contrary, my life is now mostly work and very little play.

I hope you didn't eat any packaged spinach. :)

Good night,